Class to create neuralnetwork machine learning models. Information from the package: Training of neural networks using backpropagation, resilient backpropagation with (Riedmiller, 1994) or without weight backtracking (Riedmiller and Braun, 1993) or the modified globally convergent version by Anastasiadis et al. (2005). The package allows flexible settings through custom-choice of error and activation function. Furthermore, the calculation of generalized weights (Intrator O & Intrator N, 1993) is implemented.



An object of class R6ClassGenerator of length 24.


initialize(hidden = c(1, 3))

Initializes a new neuralnet estimator with the provided hidden layers. @param hidden vector (default = c(1,3)) a vector specifying the hidden layers in the neural network. See the documentation of the neural network package for more details.