Class that is used internally to manage datacaching



An object of class R6ClassGenerator of length 24.


initialize(online = TRUE)

Creates a new data cache. Can be online (so new data gets overwritten), or offline (so new data gets appended). @param online (default = TRUE) boolean whether the data cache is online or offline.


Updates the data cache with the new blocks This function only updates the cache if not all estimators are online. It tells the user if it has updated by the boolean it returns. @param newdata data.table the new data to add to the cache (or to replace the cache with) @return boolean whether or not it actually needed to update the cache (FALSE if the cache is online).


Active method. Function to check whether the cache is an online cache or offline cache. @return boolean whether the cache is online (TRUE) or offline (FALSE).


Active method. Function that returns the complete cache that is being tracked in the object. @return boolean whether the cache is online (TRUE) or offline (FALSE).